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New blog, new website : welcome back !

Some days ago, i decided to try to make an update on my blog. And i really don’t know what happened exactly, but i made a mistake, somewhere (i still don’t know where) and i just deleted my blog. I was angry and sad, i had this blog for three years ! I really liked it even if it was not perfect (i didn’t like the layout anymore for instance). 

And i was thinking about remaking my website from the day i had my new logo. But i confess i hate spending time on my computer and internet to make website… This « accident » with my blog helped me to decide it was time to make something completely new. 

My problem with the website was that i was not able to update it as often as i should have done. I was only writting in my blog. So i thought that having a blog to make regular updates in which i could give some informations that i gave before in my website (such as rules for commissionable services or a gallery) would be perfect….

And here is my new website/blog !! What do you think about it ? Maybe i should put a bigger gallery, i don’t know… But well i’m happy with the way it looks and the idea of making updates easily with a blog system. ^^

So welcome in my new blog and my new website ! I hope you will like and you will come here often to check news and updates ^^ 

2 Replies to “New blog, new website : welcome back !”

  1. Super beau et attractif !
    Je trouve que le système Dotclear est parfait pour ce type d’utilisation, et ça met joliment ton travail en valeur !
    (à noter pour toi et Perish : DC a un système de sauvegarde super efficace, n’hésitez pas à backuper souvent, ça sauve des mois de boulot)

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