I am glad and proud to present Petite Precieuse !
I’m working on this project for months ! Some of my very close friends knew about it, but it was very secret.
Petite Precieuse is a website and shop project with the purpose to unite accessories for dolls around two specifications: that they are high quality and hand crafted. I want to gather in an international and chic web window, exceptional products from different artists, and to propose them for sell in the very same conditions provided by big BJDS companies. Together, with this website, artists will have the weight and power to compete with the mass production of BJDs companies.
For the time being, Petite Precieuse will propose accessories only in its website (clothes, jewelries, furniture, eyes, wig and so on). But it should be able to add artists doll at the end of the year if everything goes well.
The blog is already opened and the shop will be online on the 30th of june, 12pm (french zone).

Félicitations !!